General, Strategy

AI Ultimatum: Adapt or Die – The Harsh Reality for Creative Agencies in 2024

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The AI Ultimatum: Welcome to the AI Siege

Listen up! 

This isn’t another boring team meeting – we’ve got some serious AI to discuss.

If you think you can ignore AI and it’ll go away, you’re dead wrong. Disruption would be a light word. It’s a nuke dropped on the creative industry as a whole. Forget Crypto. AI isn’t your next trendy update; it’s the roadblock ahead that has the potential to obliterate your creative agency if you fail to adapt.

Forget the “Ex-Machina”, “Her”, and “Westworld” franchises; this isn’t a mystical futuristic concept anymore – it’s here, right now, running amok being the disruptor among disruptors.

  • AI generates logos, writes copy, and even composes music
  • It outperforms human teams in consumer behaviour analysis
  • It creates pitches seemingly out of nowhere

It’s a land grab in the world of AI and a true test of survival for a Creative agency in 2024.

Real-World AI Horror Stories

This isn’t hypothetical. 

Just a few weeks back, a Sydney agency lost a massive $500,000 deal to an AI platform. 

Gone. Just like that. Abra-frickin-cadabra!

It’s a gut punch seeing good people struggle to stay afloat in this new reality. But here’s the thing – this is our new normal. We can sulk about it, or we can adapt. I know which option I’m choosing.

Here’s the reality…

  • Big names are cutting you out for AI startups.
  • Boring sectors like finance and healthcare are ditching you for AI messaging.
  • Your social media charade is being ignored in favour of AI magic

The Pressure of Falling Behind: Adapt or Die

This isn’t fear-mongering, but the stats scream a final warning. It’s estimated that by 2025, AI will lead the dance in 30% of creative tasks. Your old playbook won’t cut it.


  • Traditional models can’t bag new clients fast enough
  • AI-frontline firms are doubling output
  • AI-adapted agencies see happier clients by miles

This isn’t just a tech craze. It’s survival, full stop. The clock’s ticking louder than your intern stumbling through his morning coffee, and if you wait, it’s game over – five minutes to midnight, and you’re left behind. The last time it was this crazy was when the internet gobbled up the global economy one website at a time.

While many are paralyzed with fear, it’s time to realise AI isn’t a distant threat but a reality transforming the creative industry. The ground is shifting beneath us, and mastery of digital tools and tech is no longer a luxury but a necessity to thrive against the competition.

Data from Gartner reveals the rise of AI in 37% of organisations, causing a massive shift in the market landscape. These clients are now accustomed to faster service and around-the-clock attention. Agencies clinging to outdated practices will get left behind.

“You’re Competing with AI-Driven Agencies”

Budget-friendly, high-speed, data-driven: AI agencies present a substantial challenge to traditional models with their productivity and innovation. I’ve witnessed firsthand an agency lose a major client to a smaller, AI-driven rival simply because they could produce faster, better work and undercut prices.

The Good News: Leveraging AI is the way forward

The good news is that AI isn’t the enemy—it’s a powerful tool we can use to redefine success. 

When used properly, AI can:

  1. Unleash a new era of creativity
  2. Streamline processes
  3. Personalise client experiences at scale
  4. Double, quadruple or 10X your output in one-tenth the costs.

Remember, trends won’t wait for you or anyone, for that matter. Either you seize the reins and lead your agency to victory, or you languish in the past, watching opportunity slip through your fingers. 

The choice is yours. If you’ve read so far and you feel the urge to supercharge your agency to an AI-driven agency, read ahead cause there’s more sauce coming up.

Auditing Your Services for the AI Revolution

I myself am a founder. Trust me when I say this: As the founder of Evolve to Grow, I’ve witnessed firsthand how AI transforms our industry.  These are a few of my notes and observations from a first-person view. This is how I’d approach AI if I were to redo the transformation from scratch:

Spotting Vulnerable Facets

First things first, a comprehensive evaluation of your existing services is imperative. Here’s a systematic approach to pinpoint which sectors of your business are most susceptible to AI replacement:

  1. List of Services: Begin by compiling a detailed inventory of your agency’s services. For example, if your agency offers graphic design, copywriting, social media management, and video production, list each of these services separately. Describe the specific tasks involved, the tools and software used, the target audience for each service, and the unique value propositions. This comprehensive inventory will serve as a foundation for evaluating how AI can enhance or complement your offerings.
  2. AI Landscape Awareness: Stay on top of the latest AI innovations in creative domains. For instance, tools such as DALL-E for image generation or GPT-4o for copywriting are advancing rapidly. Regularly read industry blogs, attend webinars, and participate in AI-focused forums to understand how these technologies are evolving. By keeping abreast of AI advancements, you can identify opportunities to integrate these tools into your workflows, thereby improving efficiency and creativity in your projects.
  3. Task Complexity Examination: Evaluate each service based on task complexity. For example, AI excels in repetitive, data-driven tasks like basic image editing, keyword research, and A/B testing for social media posts. However, it may struggle with heavily creative or nuanced assignments, such as developing a unique brand voice or creating an emotionally engaging video script. Doing this lets you understand each task’s complexity and determine where AI can be a valuable asset and where human creativity is irreplaceable.
  4. Client Feedback Analysis: Scrutinise client feedback to identify areas where they’ve mentioned AI alternatives or expressed discontent with current approaches. For instance, if clients have suggested using AI for faster turnaround times on basic graphic design tasks or have expressed frustration with the time it takes to receive initial drafts, this feedback can guide you in implementing AI solutions to address these concerns. Analysing feedback helps you pinpoint specific areas where AI can improve client satisfaction and streamline your services.
  5. Market Trends Tracking: Monitor competitors and industry outlets to spot emerging AI-driven services. For example, if you notice a competitor using AI-powered tools to offer personalised content recommendations or automated social media posting, consider how you can adopt similar technologies. Staying aware of market trends ensures that your agency remains competitive and can offer innovative services that meet client expectations. Remember that if you’re not innovating, you’re slowly withering away as an agency.
  6. Complete a SWOT Analysis: Run a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for each service, focusing on potential AI impacts. For example, identify the strengths of using AI in graphic design, such as increased efficiency and consistency. Acknowledge weaknesses, like the potential loss of human touch in creative processes. Explore opportunities, such as expanding your service offerings to include AI-enhanced design tools. Finally, threats, such as competitors who may adopt AI more quickly, should be considered. This comprehensive analysis will help you strategically integrate AI into your agency’s services, leveraging its benefits while mitigating potential downsides.

Illustrative Insight: Vulnerability Assessment

Allow me to provide an actual example from my coaching interactions. We recently collaborated with a mid-sized marketing agency in Sydney and are feeling the competitive heat from our AI-powered counterparts. 

Here’s how we conducted their vulnerability assessment:

Service AreaAI VulnerabilityDevelopment Focus
CopywritingHighAI was used for initial drafts, and human refinement emphasised
Graphic DesignMediumAI aids in initial concepts and human creativity is highlighted
Social Media ManagementHighAI supports content scheduling and engagement efforts
Strategy DevelopmentLowDistinct human expertise in complex problem-solving
Video ProductionMedium (Low)AI for storyboarding, basic edits, and human touch retained

This assessment empowered the agency to pinpoint where immediate action is needed and how AI can enhance its services. I encourage you to do the same. List down service areas and think of how you could leverage AI to streamline the existing workflows.

Mapping Out for AI Integration

Once you’ve mapped this out. I’d encourage you to think through how you’d successfully implement this with a long-term view in sight. Here’s what you do:

  1. Impact vs. Effort Evaluation: Create a matrix to map your services based on the potential impact of AI integration and the complexity of implementation. This will help you visualise which services can benefit the most from AI with the least effort and which ones require more substantial investment.
  2. Immediate Benefits: Focus first on high-impact, low-effort opportunities. For instance, integrating AI chatbots into your customer service operations can streamline interactions, provide instant support, and free up your team for more complex tasks.
  3. Long-term Vision: Identify services that, although requiring significant effort to implement AI, are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Examples include developing AI-augmented design tools that can assist with complex creative processes, thereby enhancing your team’s capabilities and output.
  4. Client-Centric Approach: Prioritise AI integrations that deliver the most value to your clients. Instead of solely focusing on efficiency gains, consider how AI can enhance overall client outcomes. For example, AI-driven data analysis can provide deeper insights and more personalised marketing strategies for your clients.
  5. Team Aptitude: Assess your team’s current skills and their capacity to effectively collaborate with AI tools. Provide necessary training and support to ensure that your team can leverage AI technologies to their fullest potential.
  6. Budgetary Planning: Plan for the financial aspects of AI integration. This includes the costs of acquiring software, training your staff, and any potential organisational changes needed to accommodate new technologies. Ensure that your budget accounts for both initial investments and ongoing maintenance.
  7. Ethical Considerations: Reflect on the ethical implications of deploying AI within your services. Ensure that your AI strategies align with your agency’s values, maintaining transparency, fairness, and respect for privacy in all AI applications.

Drawing from my experience, the key to successful AI adoption lies in balancing technological advancements with the human touch that clients value. Systematically evaluating and prioritising your services for AI integration can drastically improve your agency’s efficiency and enhance creativity and client satisfaction, positioning itself for success in an AI-driven future.

Building Future-Ready Service Branches with AI

Most agency owners shy away from change while leadership aspirations fade into mediocrity. But AI isn’t about mere survival; it’s about you and every inch of your agency and its ethos. This isn’t about stumbling in the dark but designing a race-winning partnership with AI to keep you ahead of the competition.

AI stands ready to enhance your creative brilliance, not replace it. AI-driven insights can propel your agency by offering you:

  1. Deep Client Insights: AI analyses massive data sets to reveal key trends and audience preferences.
  2. Bespoke Service: Drive personalisation at scale with AI tools and create tailored experiences that celebrate individuality.
  3. Real-time Performance: Predict campaign triumphs with AI-powered analytics and pivot before the competition knows what hits them.
  4. Innovation Boost: AI-generated drafts liberate your team’s time so they can focus on breakthrough ideas.

Case Study: AI Transforms a Struggling Agency

Let me share a real-world example of AI’s impact. A mid-sized Sydney agency I worked with was on the brink of closure. They were losing clients left and right, struggling to keep up with the pace of change.

Here’s how AI turned things around starting with small minute tweaks and implementations:

  1. Chatbot Revolution:
    • They implemented an AI-powered chatbot for client communication.
    • Result? Response times dropped by 60%, and client satisfaction shot up by 35%.
  2. Design Overhaul:
    • AI design tools allowed them to offer unlimited revisions without burning out their team.
    • This led to a 50% increase in client retention.
  3. Data-Driven Campaigns:
    • AI analysis of past campaigns boosted performance by an average of 25%.
    • This brought in new business and revived old client relationships.

The kicker? 

Within six months, they not only saved the business but also grew their revenue by 40%. 

This isn’t science fiction people—it’s happening right now in agencies across Australia. It’s not just service delivery that has changed. The Team has got a new patch update.

The key to dominating with AI? Balance creativity and productivity. The AI-powered teams spend their time on the following:

  1. Skills Sharpening: Invest in training so your team can wield AI-like champions.
  2. Role Revolution: AI crushes repetition, freeing your squad for what matters: strategy and client fulfilment.
  3. Smooth Operations: Established protocols ensure AI optimisation without headaches.
  4. Innovation Runway: Encourage exploration with new AI tools, fostering a culture of adaptability.
  5. Adding Final Touches: Deliver AI-powered excellence with a human touch. Review and refine before launch.

I say this again and again, AI isn’t a threat; it’s an opportunity. Nurture creativity, elevate efficiency, and revolutionise your agency from top to bottom. Fear not the future but boldly leverage AI to create the most powerful agency. One which you couldn’t have dreamt of 2-3 years back.

Ethical Accountability and Human Creativity

Let’s discuss ethics in AI—it’s not just about vague accountability issues. You’re in charge; AI is your tool and not your master. It won’t kill creativity unless you use it irresponsibly. 

Stay ethical, and your team will thrive.

AI has its problems, especially with copyright. But you can avoid ethical pitfalls. Remember:

Here are my top 5 rules for integrating AI effectively:

Rule #1: AI usage policy: Set clear rules, no exceptions

Rule #2: Team training: Get everyone up to speed on AI

Rule #3: Data protection: Secure your valuable information

Rule #4: Human oversight: Have your best minds review AI output

Rule #5: Client communication: Be open about your AI use

You’re good as long as you play by these rules and don’t exploit its use unethically. But the real crime is in neglecting AI’s impact.

Ignoring AI? You’re Playing with Fire

Neglecting AI today is like trading your Tesla for a horse and cart. I’ve seen it time and time again – agencies falling behind because they refuse to embrace change. 

The price tag? 

A massive hit to your bottom line and a one-way ticket to irrelevance.

According to the gurus at McKinsey, AI is estimated to unleash up to a mind-blowing $15.7 trillion in global economic value by 2030. To give you a picture, that’s almost China’s GDP in Trillion. 

It’s not just an industry wave; it’s a tsunami of opportunity – and you’re missing out big time if you’re not riding the wave.

Don’t Just Survive, Thrive!

Diving into AI isn’t just a business necessity – it’s the key to dominating the game:

  1. Supercharge Your Efficiency: Say goodbye to tedious tasks bogging down your creatives. AI handles the grunt work, freeing your team to focus on what they do best – creating killer content.
  2. Unleash Your Creativity: Think AI stifles creativity? Think again! It’s your ultimate brainstorming buddy, churning out fresh ideas and uncovering innovative approaches you never dreamed possible.
  3. Delight your Clients: It’s simple – happy clients are loyal clients. AI-driven insights empower you to deliver tailored, data-backed solutions that shout, “Wow!” every single time.
  4. Leave Your Competitors Eating Your Dust: Letting your rivals get a head start on AI is like spotting them in a 100-metre sprint. Embracing AI isn’t just about keeping pace – it’s about leaving the competition choking on your dust.

Ready to Achieve Your AI-Powered Advantage?

If the thought of integrating AI feels as daunting as a marathon, you’re not alone. The first step is simple: assess your current processes. Identify bottlenecks and areas where AI can make an immediate impact. Then, research AI tools tailored to your needs and kick off small-scale implementations.

Feeling overwhelmed? Remember, you’re not in this alone. Seek guidance from AI experts or consider partnering with a coach who specialises in digital transformation. The future of your agency hinges on the actions you take today.

Don’t Stagnate – Thrive!


Q: What is the first step in integrating AI into my agency?

A: Start small and simple but with a clear strategy. Don’t just jump on the AI bandwagon because everyone else is. Identify specific areas where AI can add value to your existing processes or services. It could be as simple as automating client reports or generating initial design concepts. Then, choose one area to focus on first. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Get comfortable with one AI tool before moving on to the next.

Q: How can I ensure the ethical use of AI in my services?

A: Transparency is key here. Be upfront with your clients about where and how you’re using AI. Develop clear guidelines for your team on AI usage – what’s acceptable and what’s not. Always have a human review of AI-generated work before it goes to the client. Humans should have the final say. And stay informed about AI ethics and regulations in your industry. It’s not just about following rules; it’s about maintaining trust with your clients.

Q: What are some quick wins for AI integration in creative services?

A: Look at your time-consuming, repetitive tasks first. AI excels at these. For example:

  • Use AI for initial research and data analysis for campaigns
  • Implement AI-powered chatbots for basic client queries
  • Utilise AI tools for proofreading and basic copyediting
  • Try AI-assisted brainstorming for initial concept development

These can free up your team’s time for more high-value, creative work.

Q: How do I compete with AI-enhanced competitors?

A: Don’t try to out-AI the AI. Focus on what makes your agency unique – your human creativity, strategic thinking, and client relationships. Use AI to enhance these strengths, not replace them. Upskill your team to work alongside AI effectively. And remember, clients aren’t just buying AI; they’re buying your expertise in using AI to solve their specific problems. You, the problem solver, is what they buy, not just the tool.

Q: Are there affordable AI tools for small agencies?

A: Absolutely. The AI revolution isn’t just for the big players. There are plenty of affordable options out there:

  • Canvas AI features for design work
  • or Jasper for content generation
  • Grammarly for proofreading
  • Lumen5 for video creation
  • The list is endless…

Start with free trials to see what works for you. But remember, the tool is only as good as the person using it. Invest time in learning how to use these tools effectively.

Try not to get lost in the shine. AI is just a tool, not a magic wand. Write this down and paste it on your whiteboard. It’s about augmenting your team’s skills, not replacing them. You do not want to be alone with a team of robots but with a team of supercharged and creative humans who’ll give you the best of their creative expressions.

Use AI wisely, and you’re sure to win this game.