

How do you set goals with data?

How Do You Set Goals With Data?

It’s not uncommon to have big goals, most business owners dream big and see a bright future in their business. It’s possible, there are stories of six-figure businesses everywhere, my cycling business went into crazy figures not long after I launched it, but it doesn’t come from dreams and wishes. It comes from numbers and strategies.

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How to ask questions of your customers to get what you need

How to Ask Questions of Your Customers to Get What You Need

Asking these questions will open up opportunities for your business to grow. Their answers will tell you what you’re doing well, where you can improve.

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Collage Customer Experience Concept

Customer Retention: Your Number One Business Goal

There is so much noise about attracting new customers, however, customer retention is equally important yet often overlooked. Get help from Evolve to Grow now.

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7 layers of business profit

7 Layers of Business Profit

Everyone has different definitions of success but we can all agree that for a small business to thrive, it needs to make profit.

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9 Business Challenges Small Business Owners Experience

9 Business Challenges Small Business Owners Experience

Some business owners think that after attaining a certain level of success, the problems stop coming and everything’s smooth sailing from then on.

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7 Budgeting techniques to grow your small business

7 Budgeting Techniques to Grow Your Small Business

When it comes to tracking expenses, a lot of businesses tend to just estimate their budget without really putting the numbers down.

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Going Back To Basics In Business

Going Back To Basics In Business

Relearning your basics can be a good way to move forward, as it strips away all the shiny tactics that many business owners fixate on. It helps to return to your…

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How to Avoid Burnout as a Business Owner

How to Avoid Burnout as a Business Owner

In some cases too much work comes from failing to set up an early business structure – so doing it yourself feels necessary – other times it comes from not wanting to give up control or not being able to trust anyone else to do the job as well as you can…

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How to follow up on your sales leads

How to Follow Up on Your Sales Leads

In a world of mobile phone technology, you would expect that getting hold of people would be easier, however, when it comes to marketing, it can seem impossible to get a quality lead to answer a call.

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How to find time for a side hustle

How to Find Time for a Side Hustle

Over the past few years, there have been a ton of “hustle culture” entrepreneurs making 20-hour workdays into a badge of honour.

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Am I ready to scale my business?

Am I Ready to Scale My Business?

As Australia comes out of lockdown, this is the time to reap what you have sown in the last 18 months.

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How to Set Customer Expectations as a Small Business

How to Set Customer Expectations as a Small Business

Small businesses have the herculean task of learning how to adapt to customer expectations, as 63% of millennial consumers prefer purchasing from small businesses with a…

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