
How To Train Your Mindset For Tender Success

how to train your mindset for tender success

Entering the world of tenders is thrilling… and overwhelming. I admit that preparing a tender is a massive task, however, there are so many benefits to getting a tender that it makes the time worth it. As well as experience in tender applications for just giving it a go, if you are successful you also get:

  • Financial growth
  • Enhanced reputation
  • Industry connections
  • Experience rising to new challenges
  • Market expansion
  • Improved efficiency
  • Increased chance of getting another tender

The difference between a good submission and a great one often comes down to mindset. Imagine approaching each tender with confidence, creativity, and a strategic edge. This is not just about ticking boxes—it’s about presenting your best self and your best work.

In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of a growth mindset, where challenges are seen as opportunities, plus, we’ll discuss the benefits of seeking support from a business coach, someone who can provide insights and encouragement, helping you to stay on track and focused.

What Is A Tender?

When a client, usually a government agency or a large corporation, announces they need help with a project they put out a formal offer which is a Request for Proposals (RFP) or an Invitation to Tender (ITT). 

Businesses respond with a tender document that outlines how they can meet the client’s requirements, including cost estimates, timelines, and specific solutions or services. The goal is to win the contract by presenting the most competitive and compelling bid.

The Tender Process Outlined

Every tender is different depending on the industry and work involved but there is a basic framework and it looks like this:

  1. Invitation to Bid: It all begins with an organisation announcement for help with a project or service. This announcement, known as a Request for Tender (RFT) or Invitation to Tender (ITT), is a very detailed document outlining what is needed, the project’s scope, and the criteria for selecting the best partner.

You: read this entire document word for word. Even the boring bits.

  1. Detailed Specifications: The tender document provides all the details about the project—what needs to be done, the standards to be met, deadlines, budget limits, and other essential requirements.

You: Brainstorm how your business offer fits the project outline and ways you can prove it.

  1. Submission of Bids: Interested businesses prepare their bids or proposals, showcasing how they plan to meet the project’s requirements. Multiple businesses will be competing, making it a race to present the most compelling proposal.

You: Double-check that all the requirements and criteria are met. Tailor your proposal to address the specific needs and goals of the client (i.e. not cut and paste from the last tender you did). 

  1. Evaluation and Selection: Once the bids are in, the organisation carefully reviews them based on specific criteria like price, quality, and experience. The evaluation process ensures that the selection is fair and the chosen bid offers the best value. There may be a selection panel that interviews the shortlisted entries.

You: Prep for the interview/closer and include anyone in your team planning to attend with you

  1. Contract Award: Once a winning bid is selected, both parties sign a contract that lays out the agreement’s details. This contract is your ticket to start working on the project, outlining everything from the scope of work to payment terms and deadlines.

You: Start your goal sequence that breaks down each step into time frames so you can complete the project on time and to budget.

Get Your Mindset Tender Ready

Most businesses aim for a tender response that covers all the bases. That’s great but it’s not even close to enough. Tender answers are typically scored out of ten, and the bulk of them – the compliant ones – get about a four. If you want to be getting a seven or higher you are going to have to stretch yourself to cover more than just the basics of the RFT.

Your tender application needs to clearly articulate how your solution provides added value beyond basic compliance.

Training your mindset can transform how you approach the tender process, making your submissions more compelling and competitive and keeping you motivated. Here’s how to get started:

Start Early

There is no time to procrastinate. Set your tender application as your first task each day and be rigid about avoiding distractions for a set period of time. Starting early and working consistently means you have time to gather your thoughts and expand your thinking as well as perfecting what you say and proofreading.

Make it all about them

We can all get pretty obsessed with ‘me, me, me’, but the person you are applying to is only interested in how they can benefit from your services, so lean on that. 

Their company doesn’t care about your business, they care about getting ahead. 

Make their success your number one priority. Make sure you reference their business name and project title whenever you can. Read what they do and take time to emphasise that you understand what they need. Make use of the terms, ‘you’, ‘your’, ‘us’ and ‘we’. Also if you have ‘features’ in your products or services, change the language to benefits that will be seen as related to the task.

Never add extra information, it just bogs your documents down. Stick with what they have asked for and make it easy for them to read and completely relevant to them. Remember they have a stack of tenders to wade through, make their task easy by giving them what they want and keeping it simple, they’ll appreciate your consideration.

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset means believing that your abilities and intelligence can be developed with effort and persistence. Instead of seeing challenges as insurmountable obstacles, view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Push beyond your comfort zone, try new strategies, and continuously improve​​. If you are feeling excited/nervous – it’s a great sign you are on the right track.

Practise Positive Thinking

Staying the course is tough. There are plenty of sabotaging thoughts in your head that you’ll need to plough through to stay on task. If you catch yourself putting yourself or your business down, for example, thinking, “This won’t work,” try replacing it with, “If I keep working hard, I’ll get there.” 

A shift in perspective helps build mental toughness and keeps you motivated​. You might need to write down some ‘silver linings’ when you are in a great mood and put them where you can see them when you are not in such a good mood.

Visualisation Techniques

Close your eyes and imagine you win. What steps need to be put in place, and what systems will start running? This gives you a way to clearly see what you have to offer as well as ways that you can make system changes now for better efficiency (what a win!). 

At the same time, envisaging what it will feel like and look like to be given that contract at the end can be highly motivating and keep you confident while you are working on your application.

Seek Professional Guidance

A business coach can provide valuable insights, strategies, and encouragement, helping you develop a more positive and proactive approach to tenders. They can assist in building a bid-winning mindset within your team, ensuring everyone is aligned and motivated​.

A coach can also point out missed opportunities and suggest ways you can innovate or try new approaches that set your business apart from competitors.

Focus on the Present

It’s easy to get bogged down by past failures or future uncertainties. Concentrate on what you can do right now to improve your tender submissions. Staying focused on the present makes you fully engaged with the task. The quality of your submission will be better, enabling you to tailor your proposal to the client’s specific needs and showcase your strengths.

Mindset for Tender Success – Final Thoughts

Participating in tenders can open up new opportunities for growth and collaboration. It’s a process that promotes transparency and fairness, giving everyone a chance to showcase their capabilities and win exciting projects. So, when you see a tender invitation, think of it as your opportunity to bring your best ideas forward and make a meaningful impact.

Remember, every tender is an opportunity to learn and grow, regardless of the outcome.

It’s important to stay resilient. Not every tender will be a win, but each experience offers valuable insights and lessons. Use these moments to refine your approach, strengthen your strategies, and build a more robust tender process. Embrace each challenge as a stepping stone towards greater success.

So, take a deep breath, stay positive, and give each tender your best shot. With the right mindset, persistence, and a bit of support, you’re well on your way to becoming a tendering powerhouse. Keep pushing forward, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks—they’re just part of the journey to success. You’ve got this.

If you would like some help with a tender, or with understanding the process, make sure you book a free call and we’ll see where we can help.

How To Train Your Mindset For Tender Success – FAQ

Q1: What are the key mindset traits needed for tender success?

A: Key mindset traits for tender success include resilience, adaptability, focus, confidence, and a proactive attitude. Resilience helps you bounce back from setbacks, while adaptability ensures you can adjust to changing circumstances and requirements. Focus allows you to concentrate on your goals and tasks without getting easily distracted. Confidence in your abilities and strategies empowers you to present your tenders assertively. A proactive attitude means you actively seek out opportunities and solutions, rather than waiting for them to come to you.

Q2: How can I develop a resilient mindset for tendering?

A: Developing a resilient mindset involves several strategies. Firstly, cultivate a positive outlook by focusing on what you can control and learning from every experience, whether successful or not. Practice self-care to maintain your physical and mental health, as a strong body and mind support resilience. Set realistic goals and break them into manageable tasks to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Seek feedback and use it constructively to improve your future tenders. Additionally, surround yourself with a supportive network that encourages and motivates you.

Q3: How can I stay motivated if my tenders are repeatedly unsuccessful?

A: Staying motivated in the face of repeated setbacks requires a strategic approach. Reframe failures as learning opportunities and focus on what you can improve next time. Celebrate small wins and progress to keep your spirits up. Set specific, achievable goals to maintain a sense of direction and accomplishment. Engage in activities outside of tendering that bring you joy and relaxation to recharge your energy and enthusiasm. Lastly, seek inspiration from success stories and remind yourself of your ultimate goals and the reasons you started this journey.

Q4: What role does self-belief play in tender success?

A: Self-belief is crucial for tender success as it influences your confidence, perseverance, and overall performance. When you believe in your abilities, you are more likely to take calculated risks, present your ideas convincingly, and stay committed to your goals. Self-belief helps you remain resilient in the face of challenges and setbacks, reinforcing your determination to succeed. Cultivating self-belief involves acknowledging your strengths, reflecting on past successes, and continuously building your skills and knowledge.

Q5: How can visualisation techniques aid in tender success?

A: Visualisation techniques can significantly enhance your mindset for tender success. By vividly imagining your success, you program your mind to recognize and pursue opportunities aligned with that vision. Visualisation helps reduce anxiety and increase confidence by mentally rehearsing successful outcomes and strategies. This practice also enhances focus and motivation, making it easier to stay on track with your goals. To effectively use visualisation, find a quiet space, close your eyes, and picture every detail of your success, from the process of preparing the tender to receiving positive feedback and winning the bid.