The Right Business Coaching Model Can Help to Turnaround a Business
A business requires to constantly adapt and change as per the current situation in the business environment, and this can be achieved by adopting the right business coaching model to enable the business to move from their current position to the position where they want to be.
There are various approaches to business coaching and the best model will be the one that is most suitable to the business that needs coaching. Using a specific model can be of great help as it provides a purpose to the coaching. Following a particular model helps to provide every coaching session with a definite way of moving forward that helps the business being coached to address the particular needs that it has at that moment to improve its performance through the enhancement of skills and knowledge that are relevant to its operations.
The most widely used method of business coaching follows the GROW technique, and most other models use this technique to further refine the coaching to meet any need specific needs. This technique has four stages, the goal, the reality, possible options, and the way forward. The business coach will require to first understand the business and the way it functions, and help the client being coached to specify or arrive at a definite goal. Goals need to be SMART, or specific, need to be measurable, must be acceptable, realistic, and timely. Goals can be both short term and long term. The importance of the goal and what it can achieve when you reach it must be clearly defined. The client must have a clear idea of when this goal will be reached and whether reaching it has solved the problem that was identified.
Once the goals are set, it is equally important to be aware of the present situation the business is in through a complete self-evaluation that can help in the identification of the obstacles that are holding the business back. Concrete examples of problems and failures must be listed out as well as things that have gone well and can be built on. Now that the problems have been identified and future goals are clear, brainstorming is required to generate the options that can help to correct deficiencies and overcome obstacles and move forward to the required goal. Every option must be critically evaluated and its advantages and disadvantages are known.
After all options are listed, evaluated, and thoroughly understood, the business coach and the client have to choose a particular option that can help to reach the goal of business coaching. Steps have to be concrete and must be able to overcome all the obstacles that the business encounters during its routine operations. The persons being coached need to be constantly motivated and then any plan of action must help them to get to the goal that has been laid down.
The GROW model of business coaching is at times not enough to help you to achieve the aims that are in mind while setting up the desired goals, and most other business coaching models follow small variations that improve on this basic model for achieving any coaching trajectory. TGROW is one such model that further refines a particular topic or aspect of the business that the coaching model needs to concentrate on.
The OSKAR coaching model is one that is flexible and helpful for individuals in managerial positions so that their skill and knowledge is developed as part of a team. The outcome required is similar to the goals in GROW. Scaling ascertains the current level of skills or knowledge, whereas knowhow lists the resources that the person being coached has at present. Affirm and action provides the needed reinforcement to the above abilities. Finally, the coaching model reviews the progress and this is conducted before any subsequent coaching session begins.
The CLEAR coaching model helps client businesses to look at situations and assess possible alternatives. This is done through active listening that helps the client to understand the current situation. The impact of the current situation is then explored and possibilities of action to resolve situations are evaluated. The persons being coached decide on the action for the next step to resolve any situations which they have decided need changing. As it is with all the models, the final step is the review to evaluate the results.
All these business models are capable of coaching and recognizing the one that is the best may need experimentation until the one that is best for the organization is decided on.